Jonas Gonzales ‘20

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Justin-Siena; Napa, CA

Favorite Films: The Mountains Won’t Remember Me, Joker, Remember the Titans

Favorite Shows: Naruto Shippuden, Mandalorian, All American 

Favorite Youtube Influencers: Peter Mckinnon, Daniel Schiffer, Parker Walbeck

I received an iPad for Christmas when I was about ten. It had imovie on it and I used to do little trailers for my family and I had a lot of fun making them. In middle school I decided to take a film course and I remember my teacher used to be so hard on the class. But because of it, it allowed me to learn the fundamentals of filmmaking. In my junior year of high school, I picked up my moms camera and made a bunch of videos for school projects. Word went around and eventually my school asked me if I wanted to do some videos for them. Since then, I have been learning more and taking more and more projects and jobs. 

My hope as a filmmaker is to be able to network and make my way up in this industry. I’m not sure what I want to do when I’m older but I do want to pursue my passion and see where it takes me.


Kyle Alfon ‘21


Zachary Van Zandt ‘22